Deleting a SQL user in the Webuzo panel

Tutorials Webuzo | sql | user | user | webuzo | database | database | delete | delete
This article explains how to delete a SQL user
by Mihai BobriucViews 720Updated now 1 yearPublished 29/08/2022


This tutorial explains how to delete a SQL user in the Webuzo admin panel


  • an account with an administration panel and Webuzo access

Steps to follow

  • once logged into the Webuzo administration panel, look for the "Database" section in the displayed window and from there select "Manage Databases"
  • Manage Databases Webuzo
  • in the window that will appear, select the "Database User(s)" tab

Databases User

  • in the database users table, all created users will appear at the bottom of the page

Utilizatori creati in baza de date

  • to delete a SQL user press the symbol under that user a deletion warning message will appear, in which the "Yes" button will be pressed

Mesaj de stergere utilizator SQL

  • after successfully deleting the user, a confirmation message will appear

Stergerea cu succes utilizator

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