Parking a domain using WHM

Tutorials DNS | dns | zone | whm | park | parking
In this article we will present the necessary steps to park a domain using WHM
by Mihai BobriucViews 725Updated now 1 yearPublished 16/08/2022


  • The Domain Name Service (DNS) service converts human-readable domain names (for example: to computer-readable IP addresses (for example: DNS relies on the "DNS zones" that exist on the server to convert the domain name to IP addresses.
  • WHM offers the possibility to park a domain through the functionalities of DNS Functions.


  • WHM credentials. This data can be found in the management email of the reseller account or VPS with cPanel/WHM.


  • After logging in to the WHM panel on the left side of the page we will go to the section DNS Functions and we will click on Park a Domain. Alternatively, we can look for this menu using the search field in the upper left.

Park a Domain din panou WHM

  • On the next page we will have two fields:
    Domain to park on top of - Here we will be able to select the account on which we will park the domain.
    Domain to park - The domain we want to park.
    After filling in the fields we will click on the Submit button.

Submit  sectiunea Park a Domain

  • In the example above we parked the domain on the account. In this mode, the parked domain will load the contents of the main domain of the selected account.
  • For everything to work, the parked domain must have set the nameservers associated with the server where we made these changes.
    If everything went smoothly we will be greeted by a confirmation message of the form
    The system successfully parked (aliased) the domain “” on top of the domain “”. 

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